We need your help!
Be an Advocate for the American Jazz Museum
Next year's city budget calls for a 25% reduction to the Museum’s funding by $125,000. A reduction at any amount will result in a devastating loss of momentum to the city’s cultural attraction at 18th and Vine. The proposed cut is the largest reduction in the history of the museum and will result in over 70% loss of funding to support the Museum’s operations since the construction of the property at 18th and Vine. Please restore the $125,000 amount to the American Jazz Museum's budget.
How you can help
- Attend the Citywide budget hearing on Saturday, Feb. 28, 9 - 11:00 a.m., at the Southeast Community Center, 4201 E. 63rd Street. We havesample speeches for your convenience. Add to calendar »
- Voice your support for the Museum online. Feel free to use the paragraph above as your comment. Submit your feedback »
- Call your City Council member and express your support for the restoration of the Museum's budget. Find your City Council representative »
March is Women in Jazz Month!
The Girls in the Band
Thursday, March 5, 5 pm
Gem Theater, Free
On March 5th join us for a free performance by Friends University Big Band (5 pm) and a screening of the film The Girls in the Band (6 pm) followed by a discussion with Millie Edwards, Sherrie Maricle, and Lisa Hittle.
See the complete March Blue Room Calendar and Education Calendar for even more great shows and programs featuring local women jazz favorites all March long!
Diva Jazz Orchestra
Saturday, March 7, 8 pm/10 pm
Blue Room, $20 ($30, 2 shows)
Headed by swinging drummer Sherrie Maricle, Diva exudes the excitement and force found in the tradition of the historic big bands but with an eye towards today's progressive sound of originality and verve. With New York as their home base, Diva performs all over the world playing contemporary, mainstream big band jazz composed and arranged to fit the individual personalities and styles of the musicians themselves.
Earlier in the day, don't miss Metropolitan Jazz Workshop Big Band Open Rehearsal with Diva's Sherrie Maricle (9:30 am, AJM Atrium, Free) or the Big Band Drumming Master Class with Sherrie Maricle, (10:30 am, AJM Atrium, Free).
Jazz Storytelling: Jazz Styles
Friday, March 6, 10 am
AJM Atrium, Free
Jazz Storytelling featuring vocalist Lisa Henry, storyteller Brother John, bassist Tyrone Clark, and drummer Mike Warren meets educational standards, introduces children ages 2-7 to new music & cultures, and provides opportunities to enhance their social skills in a fun environment. Artist and educator Bonnye Brown will lead our storytelling crowd in easy art projects celebrating Women in Jazz Month and the Jazz Then and Now exhibition.
Painting by Bonnye Brown
Jammin' at the Gem
The Mosaic Project: Terri Lyne Carrington
Saturday, March 14, 8 pm
Gem Theater, $45 and up
Terri Lyne Carrington's Grammy-winning Mosaic Project features some of the world's top musicians, performing music that celebrates different aesthetics in music and in life. The Mosaic Project is a celebration of female artists with Terri Lyne being joined by some of today's most celebrated female instrumentalists and vocalists in the world. Buy tickets at Ticketmaster or call 816-474-6262 today! |
Save the Date!
PEER Into the Future V
Our annual luncheon in support of general operations at the Museum will take place on April 20. There are plenty of opportunities to participate by offering to serve as a Table Captain, volunteering, or making a Leadership Gift to help us build momentum toward this important fundraiser! Please contact Jess Rezac at jrezac@kcjazz.org for more information. |
Divas' Night Out
Friday, March 6, 8:30 pm
Blue Room, $10
Featuring Megan Birdsall and Kelly Gant, two singular voices and standout musical talents. |
Have a Blue Room Pale Ale in the Blue Room!
North Coast Brewing is proud to support Jazz education and makes a donation to the American Jazz Museum for every pint of Blue Room Pale Ale that's sold. |
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