Thursday, April 16, 2015


Please Join the African American Policy Forum for the
Next Two Events in Our National Town Hall Series on
Women and Girls of Color 

Washington DC Town Hall
Date: Monday, April 20
Time: 5pm-8pm 

Location: Howard Middle School of
Mathematics and Science Theatre
405 Howard Pl NW
 Washington DC 20001

Baltimore Town Hall
Date: Saturday, April 25
Time: 12pm-4pm 

Location: Morgan State University Student Theater

1700 East Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
In 2014, AAPF launched a town hall series on women and girls of color in cities throughout the country. Thus far, hearings have been held in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City, with each convening gathering between 50 and 350 participants. To see a preview of the series, please click here

Our commitment in hosting these hearings is to bring the circumstances facing girls and women of color out of the shadows and squarely into public policy debates. Women and girls of color will provide testimony across a range of issue areas, including school push-out, incarceration, public and private violence, trafficking, foster care, economic wellbeing and homelessness. Key decision makers will participate in the hearings as commissioners to suggest and advance tangible interventions.

Historically, government hearings have been held on men and boys of color, generating a deeper understanding among stakeholders of their specific needs. These hearings have led to increased public will and ultimately, the development of the black male achievement landscape we see today. Through hosting similar hearings on women and girls of color, we hope to increase our nation’s collective understanding of the disparities they experience, both those that are common to and different from their male counterparts.

Please join us in calling for a comprehensive and gender inclusive racial justice agenda! 

If you have any questions,
or if would like to share your story at the town hall,
please contact 

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