SOJOURNER TRUTH, an abolitionist and women's rights activist, was born a slave, Isabella Baumfree, in 1797, in upstate New York. She escaped to freedom with her baby daughter in 1827. A White family gave her shelter.
A year later, when New York outlawed slavery, she moved to New York City.
Baumfree was deeply religious. In 1843 she gave up her job as a maid and became a wandering preacher. She was determined to speak the truth. She gave herself the name Sojourner Truth. A sojourner is someone who travels from place to place. She told her friends, "The Spirit calls me, and I must go."
Later that year she joined the abolitionist movement, traveling about speaking for the cause of freedom for all slaves. She worked with Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison and other noted abolitionists.
Like many abolitionists, Truth also fought for women's rights and as a result became a friend of Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and other leaders of the women's movement. During the Civil War, she recruited Black soldiers for the Union army as well, as collect food and clothing which she gave to them.
Although she never learned to read or write, her words were powerful. Over the course of her lifetime she gave speeches to hundreds of audiences. In 1858 during one of her speeches, someone interrupted and accused her of being a man; Truth opened her blouse and showed them her breasts.
There was something about Sojourner Truth that made people listen.
There was something about Sojourner Truth that made people listen.
To read the incredible bio of Sojourner Truth Google her name
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